An Analysis of Job Security & Job Satisfaction of Cabin Crew Mambers in a Private Airline-Jet Airways
In a climate of reform and change where airline companies are facing amazing pressure to take stern steps to save operational costs, some crew members are inevitably experiencing low levels of job security and job satisfaction. It is oftem said that happy employees are productive employees are productive employees and in the current economic scenario it is of utmost importancet that employees are kept happy, which may in turn impact their performance. The study focuses on a provate airline, Jet Airways where a high proportion of crew members were dismissed within a very short time. The crew members who remained in the airline felt demoralized and distressed. The research was an exploratory and descriptive investigation where the aim of the study was to explore the different dimensions and effects of job security and job satisfaction. The problem was explored by qualitative, primary and secondary data. The research used both quantitative and qualitative methods containing closed and open ended questions pertaining a job security and job satisfaction. The most salient finding of the research was that it discovered the contemporary attitude of the crew members that acts as an important factor concerning job security and job satisfaction. Recommendations are provided in order to make crew members more satisfied with thier jobs, so that their job performance improves and they are able to provide better services to customers.
Nazreen Khanam