Benchmarking of Internal Supply chain Performance
Purpose- In global scenario, many organizations own supply chains, which operate in different countries. The performance of these supply chains, owned by the same organization must be same if they operate in countries with similar economical, political and social conditions. In this paper, an effort has been made to propose a methodology for the internal financial benchmarking to reduce the variability in performance among supply chain performance is demonstrated through three companies from the Paint Industry. Design/methodology/approach- Three listed (Public Limited) firms from the industry were selected for the benchmarking study. Here it is Asian Paints (India) Ltd, Berger Paints and Jenson & Nicholson Ltd. the relevant financial data for the last five financial years (2005-2009) for the above companies were collected. The electronic database Capital Line and Business Beacon were used to collect data. Data is analyzed by applying statistical test ANOVA: Two way classification. Findings- An extensive use of ANOVA is used for good diagnosis of supply chains. Originally/value- According to the authors’ knowledge, there is no paper in the literature, which discusses analysis for internal benchmarking in supply chain management and it is believed that it will be useful for supply chain manegers to apply such tools to lead global development in the supply chains.
Debomalya Ghose