Priority Sector Lending by Indian Banks Present Scenario
Priority Sector lending has become an essential component of the national agenda after the nationalization of banks. The socialization of bank credit has been the theme of priority sector lending by commercial banks. Since the public ssector banks touch the lives of millions, it is their topmost responsibility to help the government in achieving the different socio-economic priorities like growth of agriculture, small scale industries and exports, rise of employement, encouragement of entrepreneurs and development of development of backward areas. With the passage of time, with the public sector banks, other banks are also being given targets to achieve, for priority sector lending. For developing countries like India, priority sector lending plays an important role to strengthen the economy as a whole. The objective of the paper is to emphasize the present scenario of priority sector lending. Analytical type of research is carried out to reach the objective. For the prupose, ten years report on trends and progress of banking in India from 2000 to 2009 has been used.
Nigamanandu Biswas