A descriptive study of service quality and customer satisfaction with special reference to commercial banking industry in India
The purpose of this paper is to explore relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction among group of customers towards different commercial banks in India. Service quality consists of service product, service delivery and service environment where service product refers to technical quality of service, service delivery refers to functional quality and service environment refers to internal and external environment. In addition researchers also find out various factors of customer satisfaction from different commercial banks in India. This article is a small seed to existing branch of knowledge in banking industry and is useful for prospective customers,eisting customers, bankers, strategist , policy makers and researchers and the impact of various market and regulatory initiatives on efficiency improvements of Indian banks. This Study is cross sectional and descriptive in nature. The findings indicates that service product is significant and positively related to customer satisfaction; however service delivery and service environment are not significant predictions of customers satisfaction.
Vijay Prakash Gupta, Dr PK Agarwal, Dr AK Tyagi